You are here: Offer Windows PVC Windows Ovlo Ovlo Ovlo Ovlo


Modern building constantly demands highest standards. Ovlo windows are an answer for the most sophisticated expectations. They represent highest quality as well as aesthetics, durability, safety and comfort. Ovlo windows are an upper class of profiles combined with exceptionally good price. Eco friendly and healthy lead-free profiles are manufactured in the area called ‘The Green Lungs of Poland’.

  • 6-cavity profile with building width of 80mm ensures great thermal parameters
  • strong profile of the highest stiffness guarantees more freedom whilst designing window construction
  • pristine white and diamond shine are ensured by a high grade PVC
  • slight roundings give the profile a modern and elegant look
  • resistant to dirt and weather, easy to keep clean
  • neutral glass, doesn’t give the ‘dirty net curtains’ effect
  • when using triple glazing with Ug value of 0,7 W/m2K you can save up to 20% of your heating bill
  • suitable tightness is guaranteed by the seals made of EPDM


Uf = 1,1 W/m2K
Uw* = 1,2 W/m2K
Uw** = 0,93 W/m2K

* for reference window with size of 1200 X 1500 mm and glazing Ug value of 1,0 W/m2K and steel frame
** for reference window with size of 1200 X 1500 mm and glazing Ug value of 0,7 W/m2K and warm plastic frame

Colors I Ovlo

Colors II Ovlo


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